Phuket, We're Going to Phuket!

If only the route were this direct!

If only the route were this direct!

In an effort to get out of our self-induced funk, we're taking off to Phuket for the next few days. We'll leave the drab and rainy streets of Ranong behind for the big(ger) city life of Phuket. But it'll still be raining. It's Thailand, after all. And we're traveling by bus, which could take 5 hours. Or 5 days. Thailand, remember?

My goal is to continue to update the blog with info as we're gone, but I've really no idea what the wifi situation will be. To stay up to date over the next few days (because seriously, you can't live with out following us every step of the way, right?) you're best served to follow me on Instagram or Twitter. I've been light on both of those platforms lately, and that needs to change. Here's a good excuse!

Also, we have absolutely zero agenda for this trip. Heck, we don't even have hotel reservations. So if you have suggestions/ideas/a place to crash in Phuket, get in touch!