How To Kill A Relationship In One Overseas Vacation

There’s one sure-fire way to see if your girlfriend has what it takes: travel halfway around the world and stick her with your embarrassing parents for two weeks. What could go wrong?

Funny things you’ll hear in this episode of our comedy-travel-relationship advice podcast:

  • How to survive an international trip with your girlfriend… and your parents

  • Tips on booking a hooker on vacation before your father does it

  • Why you probably shouldn’t take your girlfriend on a high-stakes vacation if you want the relationship to continue

  • What makes Fluxx the greatest litmus test to determine if your child’s date is of worthy stock

  • When you should show your parents how grateful you are and pick up the tab for the international vacation

  • The world’s greatest dad revealed

Ask Us Your Question!

This week’s episode aside, season Four of This One Time is driven by listeners like you. You ask us a question and we’ll give you the answer in the form of a humorous (?) anecdote from our travels around the world. It’s sorta like Dear Abby meets Anthony Bourdain, only with less amazing food. Or swear words.

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We simply couldn’t produce This One Time without support -- financial support -- from our fans. Patreon makes it easy to support us for just $1 a month. While the advice we share may be questionable, perhaps you’ll feel the stories we share are worth that. Or a little more. Every little bit helps, so thanks in advance for your support. And to sweeten the pot, patrons get early access to the show and bonus content. You reward us; we reward you. We’ve released bonus content the last two weeks!

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About This One Time

This One Time is a comedy travel podcast hosted by OG podcasters and world travelers Evo Terra and Sheila Dee. This is the fourth iteration (season, if you will) of their podcast which always features stories of their travels and life abroad. Visit for more information about this dynamic duo. And stay subscribed for the next episode!