Evo Is A Snapchat Star?

Though there's a good chance Will Hatton was trying to up the average age by listing Evo as one of twelve Snapchat stars in the travel space, he's still listed. And we think that's pretty great!

Evo's been rather obsessed with Snapchat recently, in case you've not been paying attention. He and Will met via the mobile social platform and even did a "snapswap" recently, where each entertained the other's audience for a day. That's just one of the many ways traveling snappers are working with each other.

The other 11 accounts listed are all worthy follows as well. So if you're looking for a good primer on travel snapchat stars worthy of a follow, see if Will's selections hit the mark. Other than Evo's of course. That's a clear winner, obviously.

Read: TOP TWELVE SNAPCHAT STARS ON THE RISEā€¦ on The Broke Backpacker