George Hrab’s Most Embarrassing Moment

Two middle-class white people are forced to spend their last days in the gritty part of America. And one drummer puts his foot all the way in his mouth. Don’t mock the dead, man.

Season 3 | Episode 01

George Hrab is the perfect combination of smart, talented, and funny. Sort of like a Nest thermostat crossed with Spotify that created incredibly ironic playlists and called out hypocrisy with abandon. Oh, and was a snappy dresser. Such a contraption would look a lot like George.

Geo’s main gig is, well… gigging. As drummer for the Philadelphia Funk Authority, he travels a fair bit. All of those miles create plenty of opportunities for funny stories to develop, though one trip in particular left an indelible mark on Geo. If you’ve ever done something embarrassing at your job, you’ll feel a bit better after you hear how bad George boffed the evening. He’ll never forget it or live it down. For good reason.

A huge thanks to TravelSmith for making sure Evo wear’s pants. No, seriously. Without their generosity, he’d be pantsless, as their 5-Pocket Flyaway pants are the only thing he’s covered his ass with for the last two months. Yes, he washes them. You do not want to be here on laundry day.

And another shout-out to the few dozen patrons of our show. Your small contribution each month helps make this show and our continued adventures possible. The postcards, early episodes, and bonus content we supply you in trade is something we’re happy to do. Thank you for your support!

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