Yes, We Skipped The Newsletter Last Week

Astute observers will have noticed there was no newsletter sent out last Sunday. No, it didn't wind up in your spam filter, we simply didn't send one out. The choice was between doing some things we wanted to do and doing something we needed to do... and "want" won. Nothing more sinister than that. And now, it's time to make up for lost time.

Signals from ShEvo - Newsletter #15

(Just in case you aren't subscribed to the newsletter...)

!Saúde from Galicia!

We're writing this from a small -- and we mean that quite literally -- town of Brión, in the autonomous region of Spain known as Galicia. Autonomous regions are in some ways similar to States, but in many ways different. Dig in with a few Google searches if you want to know more. It's had little impact to our travels. A huge thanks to our friend and author Gillian Andrews for letting us stay in her flat for a few weeks. She's made of awesome, and this place is a great.

Sure, it's a little off the beaten path, but a short bus ride gets us to Santiago de Compostela. It's a big town as far as Galicia goes that draws a fair share of tourists walking "the Camino". Santiago's Cathedral is the stopping point for dozens of different paths through Europe. What we see are lots of people with big backpacks walking into the city every day. We prefer the bus.

We also made a trip out to Noia, a small fishing village to the west on the coast of the Atlantic ocean. We hiked a little over 10 miles around the bay, taking in the sights and generally enjoying the pleasant weather. We got there at low tide and left a few hours before high tide was at the max level, and it was fascinating to see the change in the bay over time.

The seafood is excellent, plentiful, and cheap here. The people are rather friendly, and we've made friends with neighbors, musicians, and (nor surprisingly) the local craft beer fans. The craft beer movement -- cervexa artesana -- is only about five years old, but there's already a vibrant community of home brewers, pubs, and of course fans to help bring it forward.

Where we're heading next

We're headed to Costa Brava, just outside of Barcelona next week. We're attending the TBEX travel blogging conference, with packed schedules. We're the new kids on the block in this industry, so we'll be busy learning the ins-and-outs, plus finding the movers-and-shakers we need to connect with. And when we're not doing that, we'll be getting pampered by the tour companies and other vendors at the conference looking to make a good impression on people like us. Hooray for our lifestyle!

The next month is going to be crazy, with us moving to a different location about every 5 days. It's possible that you'll see more failures on our part to send this email newsletter, but we'll do our best!

¡Adeus from Galicia!

Signals from ShEvo is the newsletter from Evo Terra & Sheila Dee -- ShEvo. Get it? New issues are published weekly. To get more great content, including podcasts, videos, photos, blog posts, and more, check out the side bar of this page, or just visit