The Lord Eldon - Pub

If we had to pick a favorite pub in Knutsford, it’d be The Lord Eldon.They’ve a decent selection of “real ale”, and a more modest selection of English ales in bottles. But one of those was the Guinness Porter, arguably the best of the Guinness lineup. Yes, I know Guinness Draught has legendary status and is available in every pub around the world, but it’s just not our style. The Guinness Porter, however, _is_ our style, with a full flavor and nice bitter finish. 

But it’s not the beer that gives Eldon the Top Pub status in our book -- it’s the open mic night on Thursdays that makes it worth the visit. We made several great friends while we were there. Say hello to Adam, David, Chris, Joe, and countless others when you go. And if you say “we’re a friend of ShEvo’s”, you just might get someone to buy you a drink.
