So Long, England! We Hardly Knew Ye.

Our last week in the UK was a fun one! And it was made even more special by visits with some familiar voices!

Signals from ShEvo - Newsletter #14

(Just in case you aren't subscribed to the newsletter...)

Greetings from London!

Though we're not here for long. Just enough to briefly explore, shoot a couple of videos, and grab some shut-eye before we take off for Spain tomorrow. We just finished our last week in Sheffield, and it was a blast!

For one, the weather finally turned nice. Like, really nice. So much that we did a little hiking and got to explore more of the city -- without being blown away or soaked. (In fact, we walked all over London today and we didn't even take our jackets!)

We had two highlights last week. The first was at the hands of our new friends Kath -- you heard her on the podcast last week -- and Jeremy. They picked us up Tuesday night and took us to the Owlerton Stadium, a local dog racing track. We made a full evening of it, with a three-course meal and a dozen races, all of which we enjoyed very much! Neither of us are big gamblers, but we did drop down £2 on a 75:1 longshot. News flash: We lost.

The second was our good friend Andy from Phoenix coming to see us. He and and his friend Bruce had been hiking Hadrian's wall just north of us. They were traveling on an open-ended return, and spent an afternoon with us in Sheffield before they headed back to the states. We loved it not only for the conversation with American voices, but it gave us an excuse to hit three out of our four favorite craft beer spots again -- and discover a new one!

Where we're heading next

Spain! And this time, we're not housesitting! Thanks to my friend Gillian for letting us take over her flat in Galicia, just outside of Santiago de Compostela, for a few weeks. And as relatively easy we've had it watching the pets during our travels, it'll be nice to be responsible only for ourselves for a few weeks. Heck, we may not even get out of bed for a couple of days.

No, not really. There's too much new stuff for us to discover, since it's our first time to Spain!

Signals from ShEvo is the newsletter from Evo Terra & Sheila Dee -- ShEvo. Get it? New issues are published weekly. To get more great content, including podcasts, videos, photos, blog posts, and more, check out the side bar of this page, or just visit