The Search for a Great British Beer

This does not bode well. I expected poor choices for beer in the French countryside. I was overjoyed to find excellent craft beer in Copenhagen. And didn't have nearly enough time to explore all the beer options Belgium had to offer.

But I've another 40 days in England, and I'm ready to declare a drought. 

Four different English pubs, all of them with multiple cask engines, and none of them serving anything worth mentioning. Of the eight beers I've checked into on Untapped since I've been here, none of them made any sort of impact other than "meh". 

Yes, I've tried to adjust my expectations. I'm not expecting a double IPA. But gods dammit, someone has to make a rich, full bodied beer in this country, right? 

The search continues. There's a maker's market today that, in theory, draws out some of the specialties. With luck, I'll find a beer I enjoy drinking. Or it's going to be a long stay in England...