Morning Routine, Interrupted.

Morning Routine, Interrupted.

Mornings are my time. (I mean they're usually my time. For some reason, Sheila is up before sunrise, a rare occurrence.) People who know my love of chaos and anti-planning may be shocked to know that I've developed a fairly strict morning routine over the years. I don't obsess over it, but if I veer too far from the process I've developed, thing things I'd set out to do simply won't get done.

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Every Breath I Take, or Down With Allergies

Every Breath I Take, or Down With Allergies

You'll recall a few posts ago where I deduced an allergy to down (Seriously? Down? Cute little duck feathers?) as the culprit of my strange cough/wheezing. As challenging as it will be (down is the insulating agent of choice in northern Europe), elimination and avoidance should eventually help my lungs settle down, already quite irritated and inflamed from prolonged exposure on this trip. 

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