ShEvo vs. The World

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Proof That It Doesn't Always Rain Everywhere In Thailand

Beauty and the hairy beast.

It's the end of day two of our Phuket excursion, but we're putting this trip in the WIN column already. Not only because it hasn't rained on us yet. Well, that's a big part of it, to be sure. But it's not the only reason.

Phuket is a real city. We thought Ranong was a city... but it's just a big sleepy town. Phuket is massive, with various population centers, active bars and restaurants, and busy highways filled with cars and trucks at all hours of the day. This is a city on the move, all the time.

Tonight's update will be short, as we need some time to process some of what we've seen and distill it to down to distinct blog posts. My choice to use the word "distill" may have something to do with the rum distillery we visited today. Then again, I've got a lot to talk about. Giant Buddha statues. Amazing beaches. Vegas-like stretches. The conundrum and plight of the elephants. This fantastic teak wood resort I'm writing from. And so much more.

But tonight, I'm going to hangout with a couple Canadians who call this place home. They probably have more than one story to tell. I'll see if I can't shake a few loose with a beer or ten.